All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum

15.06.2020 20:00
Kultúra a umenie

Autor : Simona Vančová, Gymnázium Ivana Kupca, Hlohovec

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This book has 196 pages, there are no chapters. However, it is broken up into 3-page essays. Each essay reveals its own -in my opinion- hilarious story.

In the first pages the author is talking about life and how simple it could be. ,,All you really need to know you learned in the kindergarten. “Things like sharing everything, playing fair and he even mentioned flushing. It sounds funny but when you think about it, he is right. Sometimes we forget these simple rules and we make our lives more complicated than they are. As Robert says: ,,Think what a better world it would be if we all had cookies and milk every afternoon and then we lay down with our blankies for a nap.“ Such a genius.

The second story is about laundry in his house. He is describing the feelings he has towards this simple activity. He likes it-that surprised me, because I hate doing the laundry, it’s too boring for me. Robert likes sorting the clothes, setting the washing machine and the dryer. He mentioned how he likes the static electricity because he can hang socks all over his body. I found it really amusing-you can feel his kind spirit and good “kind of childish playful vibes” through the book which is amazing.

Later he said how his favourite washing machine broke, probably because he „fed it too much“ with the soap. Due to this he had to use the laundromat which he hasn’t used since the college. He put the clothes in the machine and waited. Meanwhile he was eating crackers, drinking white wine from his thermos and thinking about life. This is such a me thing. I had a huge smile on my face while I was reading that part.