Exploring the region of Falster – 27.9.2022
13.12.2022 18:54
Zo školy
Autor : Filip Moskal, Gymnázium Ivana Kupca, Hlohovec
On Tuesday, September the 27th, our group of Slovak students and teachers took a trip around the coast of an island Falster together with two Danish teachers and students from the school named Sophieskolen. It was aimed at exploring the nature and history of the extraordinary island.
The trip started at our hotel after breakfast where the Danish group picked us up. The first stop was the southernmost point of Denmark called Gedser Odde. The marine station could be seen at the tip of the island. We walked on the coast and enjoyed the sea breeze blowing into our faces while taking way too many photos. One of the teachers showed us two plants growing on the coast and both of them were edible. One tasted like cabbage and the other one like a peach.
Next stop was another beach close to the Manor House called Corselitze. This manor was built in the 18th century and is one of many manors in Denmark. We only saw it from our cars but we stopped by the tea house which is also part of the manor. The higher-class people used to meet here and discuss many things concerning politics and also their private matters. This is also where we had a small lunch in the form of muffins and coffee which were delicious as we were very hungry.
The place we visited next was an archeological site called Halskov Vænge. Here could be seen dolmens from Neolithic Age and burial mounds from the Bronze Age. Many, if not all of these are still here today untouched because until late 18th century, they were believed to be the residence of the underworld. People were frightened by this idea which helped not less than 78 of these architectural rarities to be preserved to this age. One very lifting matter about this place was to see sheep walking around and grazing on the area of this site.
Second to last stop was the fishing area close to the town of Stubbekøbing. There was a beautiful business opened in the place of an old fishermen house. They baked pastry and confectionery, had a coffee shop and restaurant next door and also sold many organic groceries and cosmetics from different small business owners. Many of us bought a delicious cup of cappuccino and enjoyed the atmosphere of this place.
The last stop before going to the school of Sophieskolen was the town of Stubbekøbing. One of the teachers lived here so he educated us on the history of the town right by the port. The most interesting fact was that the old vikings sailed to this city in the past to have their meetings. They would carry their ships all the way from the sea many kilometres into the midland of the island Falster where they had the meetings.
Speaking for all of us I think this trip was very interesting and beneficial to the understanding of the whole history of the Nordic countries. Being able to see the culture and nature of a completely different country was eye opening for me and made me realise how grateful I should be that I live in a country with very rich and vast culture and lovely nature.