Word 2021

20.03.2021 16:51
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Autor : kolektív autorov , Gymnázium Ivana Kupca, Hlohovec

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My word for the year 2021 is perseverance.

This year suits my goals perfectly. Though I´m not the type of person who will set goals for the new year, this year I have some things that I would like to stick to as long as possible or as long as I would have perseverance to keep them doing. If things could be perfect, I would be happy if it becomes a habit. As Samuel Johnson said: „Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.“

Dominika Glosová

My word is the second chance.

Are we on the right way? Was that the right choice? I think people look more into the past and do not pay as much attention to the future as they should. Hope is before us, so let us lift our eyes, and meet it.

Michal Libant

My word 2021 is CHANGE.

We have learned so much from the previous year. We´ve all become aware of what is going on around us, and last but not least we learned how to be responsible. This year for me is going to be a big change because I think we all have grown as human beings so much, and also, we have started to care about others not just about ourselves. So, 2020 made me become a different person in the best way, and I am grateful for this.

Martina Vojteková

My word for 2021 would be awareness

"The universe is not trying to break you, my dear, it is trying to find a way to wake you up, so that you will see what is real, and worth fighting for. It takes time to heal, but it also takes courage."

Dominika Vopátová

My word is GRATITUDE

People often say that we do not appreciate things until they are gone. 2020 was a bumpy road but I think it taught me a great life lesson. This year, I want to find beauty in even more things. I want to enjoy every beautiful sunset, every morning cup of tea. I want to value the health of mine and the others. I want to – and I will – hug a little tighter, laugh a little louder and love a lot more. I want to appreciate everything and everyone, because there is always a reason to be grateful :))

Klára Lišková