
04.04.2022 19:48
Kultúra a umenie

Autor : Nina Tóthová, Gymnázium Ivana Kupca, Hlohovec

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• Boxer was the most sympathetically drawn character in the novel. I think that he was really popular among the other ordinary animals. The reason was, that he had a lot of positive properties, like for example loyalty, he was really kind and friendly, and I think, that he never made any differences between animals. – Every animal was equal for him.

• As I said, he was really loyal and also hard-working. He always wanted to work, he never gave up, even though conditions were still worse and worse, and there was the next reason why animals liked him. He was the biggest motivation for them. Later, when animals were very disappointed and disgusted, I think, that Boxer was the reason, why they continued. His slogan was: I will work harder.

• But he was very naive, and he was not so smart to understand everything – he even did not know how to read, and there were the reasons why he still believed that everything will be better. He believed, that Napoleon was doing everything right and that he only wanted good for animals. His slogan was: Napoleon is always right.

• A lot changed in chapter seven. He slowly stopped believing Napoleon, but because he was not able to read, he again had not any proof.

• My opinion is that he was not so popular among pigs and Napoleon. Before chapter seven, pigs did not care about Boxer, even when he was doing a lot of work. I think that they were satisfied, that he is not so smart and they could lie to him. But after things which happened in chapter 7, he had doubts and he started to be dangerous for pigs. The reason was, that he could find out the truth and he could tell it to other animals. And then he was attacked by dogs.

• Boxer was not youngest and he knew it. In the beginning of the chapter nine, his hoof was injured. He was really exhausted and his end was still closer and closer. As I said before, pigs did not care about him. Animals wanted to Boxer went to the hospital. But it did not happen and he ended at the butcher´s. I think that he really did not deserve it.