Na hodinách anglického jazyka sa opäť tvorilo. Tentokrát popustili uzdu svojej šikovnosti žiačky 9. A triedy.
Tamara Plášeková (9.A)
In the animal clinic,
wait a minute.
There was a cat,
but she was really fat,
so I put her back
and I took another black.
The people who make cake,
are usually fake.
So I jumped into the lake
and there was a big snake. :-)
Katarína Krnáčová (9.A)
This is our snake,
he likes a cake.
The cake was fake
so it threw it to the lake.
My cat is sad,
because it thinks it´s fat.
Its name is bread
and it loves fluffy bed.
It sings in a cat band
and it has an own brand.