
13.12.2020 15:36

Autor : kolektív autorov , Gymnázium Ivana Kupca, Hlohovec

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I feel free because I can say my thoughts out loud without getting punished. I believe that is the main indication of being free. But when are we free?

Are we never free because laws exist? Saying that I am not free because I cannot do whatever I want is unfair. Obviously, you should not be allowed to do anything you want. Eventually, the line between legal and illegal will be irreversibly lost. So, I do feel free as I am.

                                                                                                    David Vachan

I feel free because our democratic country enforces human rights good enough, so the people in our country do not feel endangered by actions of other people, whose actions may create problems people if these were not enforced. Our country makes a lot of work to try and let us keep our freedom even through crisis and fear of plague is upon us.

                                                                                                               Jakub Voltmann

I am able to cook my own meal. I can go out with my best friends. I can tell people what I think instead of telling people what they want me to say. I must say that people cannot feel completely free in today´s society, the rules are made not to be violated and they have a meaning. But the thing is, that we should be FAR more grateful than we are for what we have.

We are all as free as birds, to fly to our desired destinations, directed by so many things that happen to us through our whole lives. All of us should be unobstructed living our best lives as we choose.

                                                                                                                Martina Černá

I feel free because I am studying what I want, I do what I want, when I want...

But can you be 100% free when you are a teenager? In my opinion, being a 100% free child or teenager is not the best, because they would not know what rules are.

I think it is the best that we have rights and obligations which means no one is 100% free even when they feel that way. Still, they need to pay taxes and abide the law.

I also realize that people now are much freer than people in the past. But not everywhere it is like that. It is so sad that nowadays still exist countries, which restrict people´s freedom.

I personally am free, but also, I need to listen to my parents, who know what is the best for me and this kind of freedom suits me now.

                                                                                                                      Vanessa Hallová

I feel free because I am my own person. I can express myself any way I want to, I can feel, think and act based on my own decisions. Or at least I will be able to do that once I am an adult.

I only feel free to a certain amount though. There are still many things that do not make me or other people completely free, some of them good and some of them bad. For example, laws. They have to be here, otherwise the society could not work. On the other hand, I feel like some laws and systems work as an advantage to some people and as a disadvantage to others (for example women, minorities, the poor.) Our opinions and options are also heavily influenced by people in power and young people are often pushed down for being too young to have their own opinions.

In conclusion, there are a lot of things that make us way freer than we were in the past, but a lot of unfair and unfreeing things remain. I think that as an adult I will be pretty free, but it could still be better, and some people may not have this privilege at all. In some countries, things have improved a lot but the world certainly needs more changing and I want to be a part of it.

                                                                                                                              Nina Baranovičová

I don’t feel free because we live in this world. I am free but sometimes we are in a situation when we are not.

I think there is a difference between being free and being free. It sounds crazy but what about abused children? Are they able to go out with their friends? And I am talking just about abused children but there are a lot of problems all over the world when people are not free or not able to do whatever they want for example people in Africa, they work in horrible conditions and they have to do it or they will die because of not enough food.

So, I don’t feel free while anybody is in such a situation.

                                                                                                                Simona Michalčíková

I feel free because I have many opportunities. I can educate myself at a good school. I can travel to different cities or countries. I do not have to work at this age, I can focus on my education, my friends, my talents, my afterschool activities and I have the freedom to choose how I will spend my free time.

I can choose who my friends will be and who I do not want to talk to. I can choose my opinions and my religion. Of course, there are things I cannot do, but some of them will come with the age and the other ones I would probably not want to do anyways. I'm happy with the freedom I got and I'm glad that our ancestors fought for our freedom so we could live the life we choose to have.

                                                                                                                             Nela Černá

I feel free because I have everything, what I need as a person. I have my rights, which are same for all people in my country. For example, I can have my own opinions on certain things and I won't be punished for advocating them.

I can also travel where I want without anyone checking me. There aren't any censored things or propaganda in politics, so I can know what is exactly happening and make my opinions on it. I can go to protest and say my opinion and if I'll be protesting calmly, police won't arrest me. When I am 18 years old, I may vote people, who I think should be in certain positions in parliament. Yes, some people can judge me for my actions, but they can't do anything about it because I live in a democratic state.

                                                                                                                        Lenka Majzlová

I feel free because I can freely move within our country and abroad. I can study what I want. I can express my opinions and nobody can change it and I have freedom of belief which also means freedom for me.

I feel free because I can own something. I cannot imagine I wouldn’t have some of these rights. I wouldn’t feel free in a state with non-democratic government. for example China, Belarus or North Korea.

                                                                                                                      Kristián Majka

Most of the time I feel free, because my parents don´t force me into anything and I have my mum´s trust, so I´m able to go out with friends, or be home alone...

But at the same time sometimes I don´t feel so free, this usually happens, when I´m feeling down, maybe because I have an argument with someone, that is really important to me, in that time it´s like I´m not able to stop my actions, and it´s like I´m fighting with myself inside, and I just pass it on the others.

                                                                                                                 Alexandra Sojková