Finally free

04.04.2022 20:06

Autor : Max Kováč, Gymnázium Ivana Kupca, Hlohovec

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Years ago, a man from noble society,

devil´s pills whispered, took his morality.

Happy in face, but dead inside,

life cheated him, but still there by his side.

All he ever wanted, was a hug,

today the only answer is a drug.

Maybe he ran from our world,

to illusion, where harmed him no word.

Blinded by sweet and kind elegance,

he was such broken by cruel destiny,

addiction was no game of arrogance,

another needle pierced skin so easily.

Poison of heroine darkened his mind,

he felt safe, life was not so hard.

Day by day he was falling deep and deep,

deeper and deeper than abyss of the sea,

drank alcohol, like it was tea,

his damaged nature, won´t heal any sleep.

Tragedy continued, losing a friend,

sad journey slowly fading away,

no wish for luck in his way,

probably he will die, in the end.

He sat in the filthy street,

sitting alone, nobody to greet,

looking up to the sidereal sky,

a small tear dropped from his dying eye.

Tomorrow is smouldering hope,

not a promising promise,

drugs have a price, soul is the fee,

and from their grasp, he is finally free.