Opinion Essay – Brexit

15.06.2020 20:00

Autor : Ernest Fázik, Gymnázium Ivana Kupca, Hlohovec

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Brexit is the popularized name for the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union. It remains a controversial and frequent topic linked to the UK and the EU. It has been a question asked before in the UK, and in 2016 sparked a referendum, in which a small majority of 52% voted for leaving.

As stated in the article, the author is a Remainer, he stressed that personally he minds the loss of the Right of Movement, here meaning the easy movement within the EU territory, the most. And for this loss and many problems he predicts to come, he blames the elder generations, who also statistically mostly voted for Leaving the EU. His arguments are majorly centred around the xenophobic and non-sensical attitude of some citizens towards the migration of non-British, mostly EU citizen, into the country.

It is clear that the author is saddened by Brexit and in my opinion the expressive wording might make some Brexiteers feel apathy towards the author and his cause. Unfortunately, discussions like this sometimes culminate in the misunderstanding of both sides involved, thus leaving the discussion without effect. Arguments of leavers mostly regard immigration, UK sovereignty, regulations of the EU and the lack of reforms allegedly caused by the EU.

I am, putting it shortly, against Brexit. Though not a Briton I do care about world affairs. I am mostly concerned about the deterioration of the British life standard, which may be caused by the now ongoing decline of the pound, and the social division that might occur, for example on the Éire-UK border.

As stated above the foreign affairs might spark similar affairs in the spectator regions, there are already a few Eurosceptics in the Slovakian parliament, these groups have similar arguments to those in the UK, and similarly the primary Europeanist demographic group are the young. I believe that the EU membership improves education and working opportunities and keeps our country militarily, economically and politically protected, from the mess that is post-Soviet Europe.

In conclusion, similarly to the author of the article, I am delighted by the political amenities that the EU bestows to its member´s citizens, and similarly I feel sorry towards certain British politicians and their way of handling Brexit and about the division Brexit made in UK´s society.